As a psychologist girls sometimes ask me what is anorexia and what causes it. This is a complex issue where psychologists first have to say what they mean by 'anorexia', then explain its causes (called aetiology in science) and its possible cures. The most important symptom is obsession and anxiety about body image, a belief that one is too fat, this then becomes linked to dieting and weight loss. It now affects boys as much as girls. Most teenagers are quite happy with their bodies but role models who are size 00 create an unhealthy belief that this stick-like thinness is desirable instead of ugly. The average dress size for a woman in the UK is 16. You would not know this from television programmes and advertising where larger people are often used as comic characters, for example, Heather in Eastenders. In some countries, such as Spain, super-skinny models have been banned from catwalks because of the poor example they set.
Many none-western societies admire women who many in the UK would consider to be over-weight. What can cause weight-obsession ? Personal unhappiness is one key factor where it becomes focussed on body size. Friends sometimes diet together and it can become competitive, there is little need to say how wrong and undesirable this is. Peer assistance can sometimes help in overcoming the loneliness and sadness of such an illness and, of course, the invaluable support of parents.
The best way of avoiding this type of psychological illness is to have many, interests, supportive friends and parents and a healthy sense of independence and self-worth.
Do tyou know any boys who may have this problem ?