Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Noureen on the Net

Some thoughtful views of Noureen on the Net.I have often heard people discuss friends on SNS and say they are "loud on facebook" but not always loud in person. Maybe it is not a way for people to cyber bully others, but its a way of communication where people feel it is easier for them to speak up. Some people are shy in person but active users of SNS at home, in their comfort zones. Others, however, may be cruel to others on SNS without realising it. For example, many young teens like to "tag" people on photos to see "who is your smartest friend?" or "who is your shortest friend" and some people may find this offensive. Because of the advances of SNS, bullying could multiply after one person encourages it. People can 're-tweet' and share what their friends have already written so more and more people can see their posts. This multiplying effect may be how bullying can turn into such a wide-spread act, by a simple click. I can personally say that I have seen cruelty on SNS, usually written as sarcasm, which is all the more worse. Nonetheless, SNS bring out the people who stand up for each other so SNS can bring many people together. Noureen

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